Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Online Composition By Colin Black

Colin Black and Friend. Black is an Australian composer, sound artist and musician. You can hear his 2008 composition Longing Love and Loss (53 min.) on the Swedish online radio program Monitor (broadcast 4 June if you look in the archive, where each show is kept online for 30 days). Here is some background:

“Longing, Love and Loss” is a major musical radio art feature work that searches through classical text, contemporary text and contemporary Australian oral histories of love. It weaves together love stories in a sonance of text, musical composition, electro-acoustic composition and sound design to reflect our deepest human desire, our core emotional need… the constant inner cry to find, to hold and to keep love. Apart from the fictional character of ‘The Falling Man’, all of the text of this script has been gathered from real people, past and present. This work explores this theme in three movements; Longing, Love and Loss, or, the search for love, being in love and the inevitable loss of love.

“Longing, Love and Loss” is also a scored musical work that can be preformed live to a pre-recorded backing tape. It is the artist/composer’s ambition that in a further development of this project a synchronous video projection, that includes video of all interviewees, would be developed as a filmic dimension to the performance of this live work.

Longing Love and Loss is beautiful piece and I recommend you listen to it while it is online over the next 30 days.

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