Saturday, September 17, 2011

Snoop Dogg on Chatroulette?

This evening I was playing Mudhoney's second album, Mudhoney and dancing my way around Chatroulette. Suddenly I was face to face with Snoop Dogg. I managed a short conversation with him:

Connected to a partner.
Partner: play my music damit
You: snoop
You: hows it going man
Partner: play snoop dogg
Partner: chilling
You: sorry about u getting busted in Sweden
You: such a bummer
Partner: that was a roumor
You: ahh
You: i read it in the paper
Partner: still smoking mann
You: good on you
Partner: plz play snoop man
Partner: buy my cd's
You: playing it now
You: got spotify
You: and you are on it
Partner: yeah promotion
Looking for a partner...
Reconnecting to random server...
I am not the first to meet Snoop on Chatroulette either.

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