Saturday, February 16, 2013

Event Management in Real-Time Collaborations Across Mixed and Transmedia Realities

Presentation for AHRC Social Media Knowledge Exchange (SMKE) at University of Cambridge on "Managing Real-Time Event Collaborations Across Mixed and Transmedial Realities". This presentation is for the first of two workshops.

Two half-day workshops on using shared digital media for cultural and academic professionals

Social media is more than a Facebook account or a blog. Today there are many social media platforms that can be used as effective and inexpensive tools for event management and/or for participation and work in the knowledge economy. These two workshops, conducted by a social media professional with more than 10 years of international experience, will develop and share effective practices, experiences, tools and platforms on managing real-time events across a range of social media in professional contexts related to culture, arts and the humanities.

Workshop 1 – Event Management (20 February 2013, Wednesday, 9am – 12 noon, CRASSH)

1.     Identifying practical digital tools for using in event management – a list of 20
2.     The boundaries of space in mediating events; the virtual present and the presence virtual
3.     The ethics of crowd contributions, or, “Watch out, I am behind you!”
4.     Archiving the event; tagging, storing, streaming and collating
5.     Designing an event with digital infrastructure

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